Tangerine is real...
Everyday new people come in and are so pleased, that in turn makes me very happy, it's like someone visiting you in a dream. I am doing pretty well considering the economy I think I owe that to a niche market, quality products, and reasonable-fair prices.
I don't mark up like the big guys, it wouldn't make sense. My overhead is a little lower than most and I pass that savings on. I don't have a neon sign, a spot on the local channel, or a glossy magazine add and I kinda like that.
People have to work to find me. I am not in the yellow pages and although I am on a main street in our tiny city my sign is small and not flashy. I figure the people who are meant to find me will. So far all the best people have.
Who else can say "I love my clients" I really do, they are fun, creative, sweet, kind and really appreciate what I have built. They make my day, everyday. Oh did I forget, these are some patient people! They put up with low tech check-out, my taste in music, websites that don't get updated as often as I would like and product that when ordered doesn't come from a factory but is actually made by a person and takes real time.
The feedback is always positive and everyone leaves with a little treat from the candy-bar. The only thing that could make this better is...well on my wish list would be a bigger space for workshops and a fireplace!
I love being an artist, I know how lucky I am to be able to do the work I love most.
Thank you to all of you who continue to look for Tangerine and find me...